With your help, a young boy or girl can overcome poverty and become a new IT talent

In every corner of Colombia, there are young people with a passionate interest in technology, but whose economic circumstances relegate them to seeing it as an unattainable dream.

How to donate on this Giving Day?

Select your donation:

With $650 you finance 100% of a young person’s training and employability scholarship

Today, donorschoose Giving Tuesday in Colombia

¿What is Giving Tuesday ?

Giving Tuesday is a movement of altruism and global generosity that encourages people and organizations to support projects that transform their communities and the entire world. Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good.

¿When is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday takes place on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. This year Giving Tuesday will be on november 28th.

How do we do it?

We train young people in high-demand skills in the ICT ecosystem, such as software development

We connect young people with companies that require these skills, belonging to the ICT ecosystem or that use technology in their business models

We created the Jóvenes creaTIvos® community, a space where we encourage continuous learning and mutual support

How will we use your donation on this Giving Tuesday 2023?

With $10, your contribution provides a 3 to 4 hour workshop for a young boy/girl on specific topics related to soft skills, such as conflict resolution.

With $100, your contribution provides a complete training in soft skills and business ideation.

With $50, your contribution provides a complete training in soft skills (leadership, teamwork, communication, etc).

With $650, your contribution covers the entire training in soft skills, entrepreneurship and software development.

Other ways you can participate in this Giving Tuesday 2023...

Corporative volunteering

Involve your workteam as mentors in topics that complement the training of Jóvenes creaTIvos®


Offers work opportunities to graduates of the program


Support through special fundraising campaigns among your collaborators. Make your team part of the change!

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